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    The Learning Center is owned and operated by Lynn M. Carmouche. Ms. Lynn, as she’s affectionately called by students and staff, is also TLC’s Director and has 25-plus years of experience in education. In her career as an educator, Ms. Lynn has served in multiple roles including Principal, Assistant Principal, Central Office Coordinator, Dean of Students and Mentor Teacher. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from LSU, Master’s in Educational Leadership from Capella University and Educational Specialist degree from Walden University. Her husband and co-owner of TLC, Marcus Carmouche (whom children call Mr. Marcus or “Uncle Marcus”), is also an LSU graduate. A former Tigers football player and award-winning journalist, Mr. Marcus is the facility’s Business Operations Manager. Ownership is onsite daily.

    We seek the very best teachers for your child. Our lead teachers either have Early Childhood Education degrees or they are in programs pursuing their diplomas. Potential job candidates must have experience and/or training in early childhood education. New hires are required to go through orientation and a week of rigorous training. The staff also must have fingerprint and background checks, CPR and first-aid training, and 12 clock hours of continuing education annually. All staff has been vaccinated for COVID-19.

    The menu also plays an integral role in our program and features fresh beef, chicken and turkey. We do not serve pork products or processed meals such as chicken nuggets, frozen pizzas, fish sticks, corn dogs and hot dogs. We prepare healthy meals from scratch daily and serve two afternoon snacks that include fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. We also cater to children with allergies and make meals specific to their needs.

    The Learning Center, a licensed Type III facility, is an approved respite care center for first responders and essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. We participate in the state’s Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). The Learning Center is also a proud member of the Childcare Association of Louisiana and the National Association for the Education of Young Children.



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